The Meyer lemon is a specialty-citrus sensation, and its history is a fascinating window into the sweeping evolution of America’s food system during the 20th century. The lemon is named for USDA explorer Frank N. Meyer, whose extraordinary life and mysterious death would make a really cool movie. Continue reading “The Mysterious Man Behind The Meyer Lemon”
Why Eating Your Kids’ Leftovers Is Always The Right Move
As a parent, it’s important to set a good example. That’s why you should stuff your face with pizza crusts, half-eaten cupcakes, and other delicious debris that your picky-ass children leave in their wake. Continue reading “Why Eating Your Kids’ Leftovers Is Always The Right Move”
The Best Beer I Ever Had – Vol. 8
Long ago, a young Irishman clued me in on an essential truth. To truly grasp the greatness of Guinness Draught, you must travel to the source. In Ireland, the world-famous stout tastes even better. It’s fresher and creamier – “like an angel pissing on your tonsils,” he said. He meant this in the best possible way. Continue reading “The Best Beer I Ever Had – Vol. 8”
NYC Chef of the Year Angie Mar Will Rekindle Your Love Of Meat
In part two of Thrillist’s year-end look at the best of New York City’s food and drink scene in 2016, I sit down with chef Angie Mar, who makes incredible, eye-catching dishes that run counter to the defining trend of the moment, all while undertaking the monumental task of revitalizing a classic.
Continue reading “NYC Chef of the Year Angie Mar Will Rekindle Your Love Of Meat”
Pittsburgh BYOBBQ: The Extra ‘B’ Doesn’t Stand for Bocce (Yet)
You don’t need a backyard to have a backyard barbecue. This once vacant lot in a gritty industrial section of Pittsburgh will do just nicely. Read more about the Bayardstown Social Club in my first dispatch for Station to Station here.
Cicadas Are Coming! And They’re Ready For Sex
The East Coast is bracing for the largest swarm of cicadas to arrive since Brood X surfaced in 2004. Time to look back at the definitive article on the impressive sexual habits of these periodical insects: “Love Bugs: Cicadas fuck like they haven’t gotten it on in 17 years“—a classic B-feature from the Washington City Paper archives, penned by yours truly. Of course, the best part of the original piece is the accompanying illustrations by the brilliant Emily Flake, which included a hilarious homage to the sexy pottery scene from the movie Ghost. Sadly, those drawings do not appear with the online version of the story today. So I have scanned and posted the dead-tree version here for posterity. Continue reading “Cicadas Are Coming! And They’re Ready For Sex”
Some Praise For a ‘Well-Crafted Barb’
Hearty thanks to the Huffington Post for including yours truly in its rollicking roundup, “10 Of The Most Scathing Restaurant Reviews.” I can tell you that chef José Andrés noticed the Denny’s line, too. (Read my full review, “Cooking the Books: Choking Down History at José Andrés’ America Eats Tavern,” at Washington City Paper.)